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Sontoloyo Dan Gandaruwo

 OLEH: <a href='https://rmol.id/about/zeng-wei-jian-5'>ZENG WEI JIAN</a>
  • Sabtu, 10 November 2018, 12:14 WIB
Sontoloyo Dan Gandaruwo
DEFINISI "Mocking & insult" (+/-) making fun of someone or something in a cruel way. Sadiz. Beda dengan "Jokes". Aksi menghina melibatkan dua pihak; a perpetrator and a target.

"Mocking & insult" masuk kategori psychological torture because there is no physical harm caused, but there is mental harm.

Epidemiology of insult sudah ada. Di verbal society, menghina secara lisan merupakan metode to reduce the social status of the recipient and raise the relative status of the insulter. Menaikan diri dan merendahkan orang lain.

If the above logic is correct, asumsinya; menghina itu tindakan reaksioner yang dimotivasi oleh "anger" dan "status insecurity".

Dr. Eva Jajonie, a clinical psychotherapist from the American Center for Psychiatry and Neurology in Abu Dhabi, menyatakan:

"When suppressed concerns and feelings, such as lack of self-esteem; self-defeating thoughts and behaviours; guilt; and anger, for example, are not treated or dealt with, the person uses insults to unleash anger, to escape dealing with the pain or trauma experienced or asa way to exert control [over another person] and feel powerful."

Kurang dari satu bulan, Presiden Joko merilis dua "verbal insult" dengan istilah "Politisi Sontoloyo" dan "Gandaruwo berpolitik".

Seperti lelucon, effective "mocking & insults" berkaitan dengan "timing" dan "must touch a vital nerve".

Beda antara "jokes" dan "insult" terletak pada "emotional content". Jokes trigger gelak tawa, whereas insults unleash anger.

Karena salah timing dan tidak menyentuh syaraf rendah diri oposisi, Mr. President's Sontoloyo dan Gandaruwo tidak membuat oposisi jadi minder.

Kedua istilah; Sontoloyo dan Gandaruwo hanya mentriger dan unleash massive public anger. Jadi backfired kepada Kubu Petahana.

Menurut Dr. Jajonie, "Even the media plays a major role today. Some cartoons, movies and video games, for example, teach insults and violence, affecting children."

Di Indonesia, bukan hanya media-media itu, bahkan presiden pun ikut beri contoh bagaimana "menghina" menjadi alat narsis. [***]

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